I don't want people to become Christians.
I suspect that people who haven't yet discovered Christian faith think that people like me might be out to 'convert' people like them. That people like me want to entice people like them into church and make them like me - like us - a Christian. Then, I will have done my bit in bringing them in and converting them, so I can feel I'm being a good Christian; and I will have swelled our numbers - more people in church being Christian.
I don't want people to become Christians - that's not what I'm about! Jesus didn't want people to become Christians either.
What did Jesus want? What does Jesus want?
To give to us
- To give us back our child-father relationship with God that God always intended we should enjoy
- To give us knowledge of just how precious, unique and deeply loved we are
- To give us purpose in our lives and a reason for living
- To give us comfort, healing and restoration - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually
- To give us calmness and peace inside
- To give us someone to follow when we don't know the way, when we feel lost and uncertain
- To give us family - a community of brothers and sisters of every age, background, culture, ethnicity, social class, in every country of the world
He doesn't want to take from you - your freedom, your money, your time, your happiness
He only wants to give
He doesn't want to make you into a different person
Jesus wants to fully and completely restore you, giving to you over and over again in great abundance - enabling you to be the fullest, free-est, and most wonderfully happy you. Not a watered-down version of you - not a pretend you - but the real you! The most vibrant loving, living, joyful you that you could ever hope to be!
I don't want people to become Christians
I want for as many people as possible to receive from Jesus
Full stop.